in appreciation of roommates

when i bought my house, i dragged my lovely roomie jett along with me from our old house, which was great.  another of our friends was supposed to move in as well, but ended up not being able to, which led to the great roommate hunt of 2008. 

see, i have this thing where i don’t like to live with people who are already my friends.  i need a certain amount of distance from my roommates so that i don’t strangle them or myself.  it’s not them, it’s really me and all my funny little pet peeves, but this leads to a problem when looking for people to live with that are completely outside of my social circle.

our friend marly knew a girl who needed a room, and after multiple whack ass craigslist weirdos had looked at the place and talked to me about it, i was ready to consider the possibility of someone i remotely knew.  phew, good thing i did, because this girl turned out to be jesi noe, who’s a doozy, but almost always in the best kind of way.

it’s her birthday tomorrow, and in honor of that, and her ridiculous behavior as of late, i thought i’d do a jesi noe appreciation post.  hell, if i continue to update this thing, jesi noe stories might even become a regular feature…

example 1:

we were going to the record release show of a certain local band the other night, and i asked jesi if she was coming with us.  she informed me she couldn’t come because, at volleyball last week she got drunk and followed the drummer around with a camera, taking pictures of his butt, because she decided he was really hot.  unfortunately (and understandably), this completely weirded him out.  oh well!

example 2:

jesi, jett, and i were all sitting around in jett’s bedroom one night talking about sex, and we went to google something and i typed in p-e-n-i-s.  jesi says, “um, you spelled that wrong.  it’s p-e-n-u-s” .  turns out she also thought cock was spelled c-o-c-h.  although, in her defense, i recently thought that men had one less rib than women because the Torah said so.

example 3:

i have a dog, sneakers, who rules, and who also sleeps in my bed with me every night because he is a spoiled little man.  jesi is completely obsessed with him, because he rules so hard.  last night i wake up at 3 am and hear drunk jesi standing in the hallway, calling out, “sneakers!  where did you go?  where are you?” repeatedly.  so i yell back that he’s in my room and we’re sleeping because it’s 3 am.  when i ask jesi if she remembers it in the morning she says, “no, was i naked while i was calling him?  i think i was naked, did you see me?”

1 Response to “in appreciation of roommates”

  1. 1 parasolparty July 24, 2009 at 12:50 am

    The BEST roommates are the ones you only kinda know, but would like to know better. I feel like that’s usually a recipe for happiness. 🙂 Sisters also work though.

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